Final Jury

Finally all sleepless nights are over at 27th of December. For our final jury we produced models with more than 50 elements. Moreover we learned two new operations: texture and thickness. However we did not have to use both of them at the final models and we should be stingy about their usage. If a plane is textured or thickened it should have a purpose that a normal plane does not have.

While doing my final model I go back to my first prejury model’s strategy. I made two groups which are connecting each other with creating a linearity between. But this time I specify the groups instead of the linearity. At my second prejury I learned that I should study more with the inner relations. So I defined some specific relations and repeated them using their variations at the groups. At first step I use one of my old models as generator.


This basic unit helped me to produce my groups. At this model I realized that the edge to edge relation is similar to tear&fold. Also I realized that the plane at the center holds the all others together and I think that I can extend the model around this central plane. At the other group I again made a central plane and added similar tear&fold and edge to edge relations to extend it.

At my first trial I tried to use texture. However I could not use it successfully so at my second trial I prefered to use thickness.

I decided that the two planes ,which combine the groups, should be thick. Because I tried to relate two groups just at one part to not make them disturb each other and I think that the planes at that part should be strong to provide durability and should be specified to show their importance. So making them thick was so appropriate. Also the reason of connecting them just at one small part is that I wanted to make these groups can be easily differentiated at first sight and I thought that the groups won’t be seem separate because of the similar relations.

Finally I made my final jury model.


We also had to make a poster which shows everything about the model: diagram, strategy, process, drawings, photos.


At my top view drawing I define my groups and the connection part with using grey rectangles to make it look like the diagram. Also at my all drawings I colored the two thick planes and the center planes of the groups to make them more understandable and to define their importance about guiding me.

During jury the poster really helped me to explain my process.

At jury the instructors said that I could make the connection part more big and more related with the groups which means that a core is needed here. That core can make the groups do not look this much separate. Also making some references between the groups which belong the both can show that the groups are not separate without going out of my strategy (not relating the groups each other with using too many relations). I did not add relations between the groups but I understand that references instead of relations can make my model better. Core and references…

Second Prejury

Our studies were continue non-stop. Our second prejury was at 6th of December. We were asked to produce a model with 50 elements with using the models we had already produced with 6-10 elements as generator for new construct. I used my “dominance of stick” model because I discovered good relations with it and I realized that it was useful for my strategy which is producing a model goes through two dominant directions.  I did not use my first prejury model’s strategy which is connecting two groups with creating a linearity between. Because I could not improve it according to this new tear&fold operation and I think that my new strategy will help me more to produce something easily.

I realize that with a long stick it is so easy to create a dominant direction. Also with tear&fold operation I define the stick’s direction. Thus, I used tear&fold for a good purpose. However at that model I could not make a transition zone between two directions. So my next step was making this transition. After that my prejury model was ready.

We also made orthographic and axonometric drawings of the models.

I also draw my important planes and lines from my orthographic drawing’s top view to express my guiding principles.

These important planes and sticks are the ones which are defining the direction and providing  the transition. I also show my tear&fold planes with these drawings. Besides these, there is a diagram to explain my strategy which help and guide me during the processing time.


With my diagram I try to explain my two dominant directions and the functions of the tear&folds. Also at every view my model has a upper and a down part. I try to show this but the shape at the left was not successful to explain this but the circles and the rectangles at the diagram explain this well I think.

Then we were asked to make an expressive collage with our axonometric drawing and the photo of the model. I choose a photo which has a different view from the axonometric drawing.


I again coloured my important, directional planes. While getting together the photo and the drawing I consider the both of them are through the same dominant direction. I think that this was a difficult assignment because I could not understand what I should consider  to collage.

Finally jury day has come. It was a good jury. I could explain all the things that I wanted to explain.

After critics I understand that I should focus on the inter relations more. Because I was just studying considering the whole without making similar relations which make my model more understandable and look as one.

New Operation & Studies

After copy-move-rotate and scale-stretch operations, we have learned tear&fold. Tear&fold allows me to create more relations which means I have to control more. At first trial we were asked to create a model with 6-10 elements to understand what tear&fold provides.

While doing I realize that tear&fold causes the model looks like it has too many elements when it just has a few because it creates more planes which you have to relate the others and each other. I think this is the most difficult function of the tear&fold to control.

After that we started to extand these models.

However for a while most of us could not be successful to extend our models and to use the sticks. To improve our stick usage and relations we were asked to create 5 models with different numbers of elements. Sticks should be our main concern. We tried to make the sticks are part of the construct instead of making them just follow the planes.

  1. 5 planes 2 lines

2. 5 planes 3 lines

3. 8 planes 2 lines

4. 8 planes 3 lines

5. Dominance of stick

Making these really helped me to move on more successfully. Also these give me an idea that how I can improve these and add to my model.

First Prejury

Finally, our very first jury had come. It was at 11 November. For jury we had to create a 3D construct with 25 elements (lines and planes together) which has a new operation: scale – stretch. Besides copy, move and rotate operations, this new operation allows us to not get stuck with same lines and planes which has same width and length.

While we were doing first trial, I realize that despite scale – stretch help me to create new relations, it has difficulties to control the whole.

At my first trial I have discovered good relations. Therefore I did  not do too many changes at my main jury model.

I think the most difficult part is locating the lines  according the relations between line & line and line & plane. Lines should be part of the construct, they should not seem separate from the whole. I tried to do my best however still my lines have some problems. Also two sides of my construct became too aligned. Therefore after jury I revised my model according to these weaknesses. However I did not afford enough so my revise did not become good.

We also drew our jury models’ orthographic drawings from top view and two side views. I drew planes as 1 mm and lines as 2 mm. It was hard to follow all parts of the construct because of the overlapped parts. We had to draw even the invisible parts as dashed lines . I have made an effort to not miss any plane or line. Finally, I drew it very well I think.


Besides the orthographic drawing, we had to draw a diagram which shows our strategy, our aim while doing the model.


At my model I have two parts which have similar relations and these parts connect each other with creating a dominant linearity in between. Also the circles on my diagram shows my lines and their mission such as connecting the two parts without disturbing the linearity in the middle.

My very first jury was exciting. I was nervous but I get relaxed after few minutes. It was nice. I have expressed myself clearly and instructors gave me very good critic to improve myself.


After grid assignment, relatus was our next assignment. We were asked to study the relations and their variations through planes and lines. Also we had to work both models and drawings. Our first step was producing a relation with two planes and making its two variations. Then we made the same step with two lines and one plane & one line.


Then we produced a 3D construct with 5 rectangular planes which all should be related orthogonal and with intersection relation.


Next step was using 7 rectangular planes and creating another 3D construct. Then we had to focus on one relation from the model and make its two variations to produce two other constructs. While attaining relations and variations, we should do copy – move – rotate operations. Moreover, the most important step was documenting all relations and variations. Documenting made it clear to see the variations and creating accurate relations.

First plane model

Second plane model

Third plane model


Sketch drawing

While I was doing the first model I create a relation with 4 rectangular and changed its proportions or surface – edge relations to attain variations. And while drawing these relations and their variations I used different colors to make them understandable.

After that plane step, we did the same thing for lines. We produced a 3D construct with 12 lines (10 cm) then made two more construct using first one’s relation’ variation.

First stick model

Second stick model

Third stick model

I think that working with lines is harder than the planes. It has not got surfaces and this causes to not creating relations easily.

Finally, we were asked to revise all these relations, variations and models according to discussions. Lastly we created 4 3D construct, 2 with planes and 2 with lines.

1. plane

2. plane

1. line

2. line

Also we had to draw some sketches which show our relations and variations. Belowed ones are my sketches.

Thanks to this assignment I start to understand what relation means and see the variations easily. Also, now I can give critic to myself and see my own mistakes. Creating good relations and documenting them are more easy now, too

Why Architecture?

I want to be an architect since my primary school times. I was always good at using my hands and drawing somethings, and still I am. I never get bored while drawing or creating things with using my hands. Also my drawing works are generally good. Therefore I think that architecture is the best  occupation for me. Besides the things I like, there are something I do not like such as learning some basic, identical informations and not creating new things or not crossing the borders of stereotypes. Architecture breaks these rules and always open to changes.

Moreover, I think that architecture is the common art of all nations and it provides many sharings among cultures. This feature of it may help me to make my dreams come true. I want to travel the world and create somethings which are beneficial for common wishes of the nations. And I think that architecture is one of the better ways to do this.

The other reason is that, architects and architecture students always have different, interesting personalities and minds and I want to be one of them. Even in studios of each university, it is easy to feel and notice this different environment. Architects have their own culture and art. I think this is something adorable. I hope that I will be a successful architect.

On / Off Grid

Our first assignment was drawing a grid and applying cut-paste operations to lines. We did it at two steps. At first step, adding new lines and rotating the lines were not allowed. At second step with moving and copying operations we could add and rotate.

Then, we worked in groups and place the grids through their edges and relate them all. We had to consider how one grid registers the other. Also, while relating we had to decide primary and secondary lines.

After group works, we chose three grids from the last work and revised them to create a 3D model. At model we had to consider both lines’ and planes’ relations. After revising I combined these three grids and create one last grid which help me to produce the model.


My model looks like this grid when you look at it from the top.

Model was the last step of the assignment. I have made it by overlapping three grids and connect them accordingly relations. I also consider 3D axis’s relations while constructing it.