Final Jury

Finally all sleepless nights are over at 27th of December. For our final jury we produced models with more than 50 elements. Moreover we learned two new operations: texture and thickness. However we did not have to use both of them at the final models and we should be stingy about their usage. If a plane is textured or thickened it should have a purpose that a normal plane does not have.

While doing my final model I go back to my first prejury model’s strategy. I made two groups which are connecting each other with creating a linearity between. But this time I specify the groups instead of the linearity. At my second prejury I learned that I should study more with the inner relations. So I defined some specific relations and repeated them using their variations at the groups. At first step I use one of my old models as generator.


This basic unit helped me to produce my groups. At this model I realized that the edge to edge relation is similar to tear&fold. Also I realized that the plane at the center holds the all others together and I think that I can extend the model around this central plane. At the other group I again made a central plane and added similar tear&fold and edge to edge relations to extend it.

At my first trial I tried to use texture. However I could not use it successfully so at my second trial I prefered to use thickness.

I decided that the two planes ,which combine the groups, should be thick. Because I tried to relate two groups just at one part to not make them disturb each other and I think that the planes at that part should be strong to provide durability and should be specified to show their importance. So making them thick was so appropriate. Also the reason of connecting them just at one small part is that I wanted to make these groups can be easily differentiated at first sight and I thought that the groups won’t be seem separate because of the similar relations.

Finally I made my final jury model.


We also had to make a poster which shows everything about the model: diagram, strategy, process, drawings, photos.


At my top view drawing I define my groups and the connection part with using grey rectangles to make it look like the diagram. Also at my all drawings I colored the two thick planes and the center planes of the groups to make them more understandable and to define their importance about guiding me.

During jury the poster really helped me to explain my process.

At jury the instructors said that I could make the connection part more big and more related with the groups which means that a core is needed here. That core can make the groups do not look this much separate. Also making some references between the groups which belong the both can show that the groups are not separate without going out of my strategy (not relating the groups each other with using too many relations). I did not add relations between the groups but I understand that references instead of relations can make my model better. Core and references…

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