Final Jury

Finally, we made the last model of the year. For the final jury, I developed my previous jury’s model according to what instructors said. I completely surround the zone which has a long, distinct element by using folded planes. At the other side of the field, I finished the spreading with the help of the transparent glass. I direct the invasion through the glass and used its transparency to complete and close the spaces around it. For the center, I improved my planar relations which belong to cut-out part of the field.

At last versions of my field elements, I made few changes. Refief one has a big, square cut-out for central zone and has tiny slits to intersect the three field element: relief, kılçık, transparent glass.


At my diagram, I tried to explain how invader reacts to the information of the field and why one zone has folded elements while other one doesn’t. Finally, we made a jury poster.


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