Analysis of “Space as Membrane”

During early 20th century, subject who poisoned physically, also started to be poisoned psychologically. This systematic attack was on the both natural and social environment of human beings. Atmo-terrorism and fast increase in chemical development caused air pollution which contribute atmospheric instability that cause suspicious, depressing mechanic civilization. A civilization which is under techno-chemical domination by political powers and destroying effects of attacks to capitalize on the no-longer-safe environment of the modern subject. Under these circumstances, trivialization of horror occurred which is concluded as celebrating war as an aesthetic experience. Beside all these physical and climatic aspects, unstable economic and social conditions also caused social suffocation.

The early 1920s is a period of hyperinflation in the Germany economy because of the Great War It caused economic volatility. People started to lose their wealth and became more and more depressed and affected psychologically. Money and human beings were perceived as equivalent. Under this economic climate technically oriented German population couldn’t breathe. And sum up of all these things, subject became environmentally alienated. So we can perceive the Ebeling’s cube as enlarged protective gas mask to an architectural scale.

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